How to join a Zoom talk or presentation at Historic Northampton
Register for the Zoom talk.
Click on the REGISTER button or registration link.
A registration form will open in a new tab.
Complete registration form:
Complete registration form:
- Enter your First Name.
- Enter your Last Name.
- Enter your Email Address.
- Enter your Email Address again to confirm the correct spelling.
- Under Fee, select a fee.
- Under Payment Method, you can select "Pay by Check" or "Pay at the Door"
- Click on the box "I am not a robot," so that a check mark appears.
- Optional: Check the box "Yes, please add this email address to your program announcements list" if you are not currently receiving program announcement email messages from Historic Northampton and wish to be added to the email list.
- Click the blue register button.
The Confirmation Email
You will be receive a confirmation email from Historic Northampton. The email will contain a Zoom link. Click on the link at the time of the talk to join the Zoom event.
Online event access
Event URL:
Topic: Daniel Shays's Honorable Rebellion
Time: Sep 15, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
The Reminder Email
Historic Northampton will send a reminder email prior to the day of the Zoom talk.
The email will include the online event access links from Zoom.
Option 1: Click on the link.
Join Zoom Meeting
Option 2: Join directly from the Zoom website.
You can join directly from the Zoom website.
The reminder email will contain the Meeting ID and Passcode
Meeting ID: 828 5568 2547
Passcode: 690684
1. Visit (Please note the extension is .us)
2. Enter the meeting ID from the reminder email message.
3. Enter the meeting passcode