Going Green--100% Renewable Electricity at Historic Northampton
This February, Historic Northampton had a 31-panel solar array installed on the modern addition of the Damon House at 46 Bridge Street. The solar panels were installed by Northeast Solar and made possible by the generosity of Brian Adams and Morey Phippen, who are outfitting several Valley non-profits with solar power.
The array is expected to meet ~70% of the building's electrical demands. Our remaining electricity needs--including for our two other houses and barn—will be renewable-only electricity (eCertified 100% Green) from Hampshire Power, the local electricity supplier that's part of the Hampshire Regional Council of Governments. |
A 31-panel solar array was installed by Northeast Solar
on the roof of the Damon House modern addition. |
Two white pine trees, which were about 40 years old, were removed in preparation of the solar panel installation. On January 24, 2018, an oxen logging demonstration took place at Historic Northampton. Tom Jenkins of Blue Dog Forestry and his oxen "Rock" and "Star" carried longs from the trees down Bridge Street to the Northampton Community Arts Trust on Hawley Street.